August MP Meeting – Speaker Alan Switzer


Join us on Thursday August 2, 2018 at 7:00 for our next MP Meeting where our guest speaker will be Alan Switzer, CPA, PC. Alan Switzer who is president of his firm, is a Certified Public Accountant, has a bachelor’s Business Degree in Accounting, a securities license, and over 25 years of experience in management, accounting, and taxation. Alan has been Robert Elder’s accountant for many years…come find out about the new Tax Codes and how they affect you.  Come and get your questions answered.

Click here to visit Alan’s website

We have an “MP MIXER” from 6:00 – 6:30 pm with food provided by a sponsor every month!  This is a great place to network with others.

Please contact Cecilia at to learn how you can become an MP Mixer Sponsor, and to get an opportunity to give a short presentation about your business and the services you offer to the entire audience at our meeting

Come early and get your extra door prize ticket
for TWO chances to win!

Time: Registration opens at 6:00 pm, event starts promptly at 7:00 pm. Be early so that you can visit the vendor tables and still get a great seat for the meeting.

Cost: Free to first-time visitors, $25 at the door for repeat guests or save $$ by purchasing an annual membership for $179. Bring your friends!

Hot Topics: Bring your deals, business cards, and other information for our Hot Topics Table. Pictures are great at getting attention! Talk to as many people as you can. Take advantage of the networking opportunities…that’s where the money comes from!

1-Bring your Hot Topics Tables deals
2-Bring your friends
3-Bring your business cards and meet others there.

Remember: all the money you’ll ever make will come from someone else. Meet and get to know as many other investors as you can.